“Beyond the natural”


January 24th – 26th, 2025
Hyatt Regency & Resort Hotel 100 Heron Blvd, Cambridge, MD 21613

2025 Annual Winter Prayer Retreat (WPR)

We are excited as we look forward to the 2025 Winter Prayer Retreat themed, “Beyond the Natural”. As you seek God’s face in preparation for the prayer retreat, remember that we must remain rooted and grounded in Christ’s love according to Ephesians 3: 16-19. We pray you will continue to grow in your intimacy with God and that you will experience God’s supernatural power in a very unique way. The 2025 retreat will take place at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Resort in Cambridge, Maryland, and we are very thrilled to welcome Pastor David Sola Oludoyi, the Senior Pastor of Royal Connections, London, UK. He is a visionary leader, who influences multiple generations and has a passion for impacting young emerging leaders. We also welcome Pastor Yaw Osei-Owusu, the Senior Pastor of Capital City Church of The Church of Pentecost USA, Inc. He is a contemporary Christian singer with a heart for “leading a young generation in praise and worship. We are also extremely elated to have with us Pastor Gabriel Eziashi, an anointed Gospel Music Artist, Leader, and Vocalist as he leads us in powerful praise and worship sessions throughout the retreat.

We invite you to come prepared to seek God’s face at the 2025 winter Prayer Retreat, and hope that you will use the opportunity to pause and focus on God’s plans and purposes for you in 2025. So, make plans to attend and spend this time in God’s presence along with other brothers and sisters in Christ – it’s a retreat for the whole family!

There will be prayer, praise & worship sessions, and many opportunities for one-on-one ministrations, and personal time with God. Take a moment to register, we are confident that as you set this time apart for solitude, reflection, corporate prayer and worship, that God will meet and surpass your expectations!

  Pastor David Sola Oludoyi (Speaker)

Pastor David Sola Oludoyi (PDSO) is a qualified medical doctor who has transitioned
into full-time ministry. He currently serves as a Special Assistant to the General Overseer and the Deputy Continental Overseer of RCCG Europe Continent. Additionally, he is the Senior Pastor of Royal Connections, London, UK.

PDSO is a dynamic and anointed preacher and teacher of the word, who is highly sought after as an international speaker. His deep passion for church growth has led him to plant numerous churches in the United Kingdom and Europe. Furthermore, he is an ardent worshipper and a fervent intercessor. PDSO hosts the popular
monthly interdenominational prayer meeting, Help Is Here, and 60 Minutes With God Prayers every Monday at 5:00 am GMT on various media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, reaching people across the globe.

Pastor David Sola Oludoyi is a visionary leader, influencing multiple generations, and has a passion for impacting young emerging leaders. He is fluent in Russian and has authored many life-changing books, including Dare To Dream, Reinvent Yourself, The Prayer-Smith: Mastering the Act of Prayer, Thanksgiving, and his latest release PAYBACK TIME, among others.

PDSO’s heart is after God, and he is known for his selflessness, relatability, and drive. He is happily married to his beloved wife, Pastor (Dr) Grace, and they are blessed with three lovely children and a grandchild.

Pastor Yaw Osei-Owusu (Speaker)

Yaw Osei-Owusu is a contemporary Christian singer with a heart for “leading a young generation in praise and worship.” Born in Virginia, but with roots in Ghana, Yaw is a man devoted and passionate about his ministry and God’s call to his generation. Yaw continues to tour the world as a guest singer and preacher at Youth conferences and conventions and is truly a young man who has “remembered the Lord in his youth”. Yaw’s music accomplishments continue to grow with recent recognition as the “Artist of the Year” at the African Gospel Music Awards, and his distinctly soulful voice has won him the respect of many.

 Minister Gabriel Eziashi (Worship Artiste)

Gabriel Eziashi is a prolific songwriter and a dynamic singer with a phenomenal vocal range. His drive and fervor for the art of worship have made him one of the most compelling voices to emerge from the UK gospel scene. 

His passion for music saw him start as a dancer before discovering his vocal gifting. In 1993, Gabriel was led to Christ and has never looked back. Today, Gabriel is husband to Stella Oludayo Eziashi, his wife of over 20 years, and mother to their two beautiful children.

Presently he resides in the States and worships at Household of Faith, Arlington, TX. USA as Pastor heading Music and Arts.

He is an anointed Gospel Music Artist, Leader, and Vocalist and an ordained Full Pastor with The Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide. 

Promo Video

Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Lord, please heal my heart. The doctors found something and suggest I get checked out by a cardiologist. I'm praying for complete healing.

Received: January 19, 2025

I have a Prayer Request:

Share a Testimony:

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect!

Why a Prayer Retreat?

Our Lord Jesus Christ, our perfect example, considered retreating to pray a fantastic thing to do. He left the town and cities for the mountain to pray regularly. Luke 6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

What is the theme and schedule of programs for the event in 2022?

The theme is “Unlocking your blessings!” and the schedule can be found online at under the section “Event Schedule”

I registered and do not have a ride to Cambridge. Will transportation be provided and what is the departure time?

A coach will be available to ferry participant who do not drive or elect not to drive to the Cambridge, MD for the retreat.  You would need to have paid the $10 fee per seat for the round trip transportation to the main retreat venue.  The departure time will be 6pm prompt from the church at 919 Philadelphia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910.  Those who prepaid for transportation will be given boarding preferences over walk-ins.

What plans have been put in place regarding COVID-19 at the hotel and for the event?

Following the serious challenges that were brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Hyatt Regency the main event hotel decided to review all our standard operating procedures (SOP) in line with the increased personal health and safety requirements. The hotel has worked with our outsourced housekeeping specialists and our supplier of cleaning and hygiene products to guarantee our adjustments and extra measures are in line with the Government and Health Authority requirements and will follow any changes or updates that are announced. More details on the hotel’s policy can be found at

I would like to submit a prayer point or testimony but plan to be virtual in 2022?

We have you covered.  You do not have to wait until the retreat to start submitting your prayer retreat or testimonies.  It gets better, someone can start praying for you before the program.  We have a Prayer Wall and a place for you to Share your Testimony at  Visit the wall frequently to see know many people are praying for you.  It is always great to know that God has raised up helpers.

Are children welcome to attend this year?

We have a fantastic program planned for children for all ages from K-12.  The program has been designed to meet the spiritual needs of your children, in line with the theme of the retreat. Guest ministers will also be bring a fresh perspective of God to your children through biblical teaching and activities.

What about fasting and feeding?

We encourage every adult that is medically and physically able to fast each day of the retreat until sunset. Accommodation can be made for children, pregnant and nursing mothers, the elderly, and adults on medication. The cost of feeding $20 per person, which includes breakfast and Lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday during the Retreat. You must have elected to feeding during your registration to receive a token for meals. For example, if you have 3 children and you elected for meals through the hotel during registration, you must have paid an additional $60 during registration.

All attendees are expected to make personal dinner arrangements after breaking the fast. There are lots of restaurants near the Hyatt Regency Resort and in the Cambridge, MD vicinity. Microwaves will be available at select public locations at the Hyatt Regency to warm meals, but COVID-19 social distancing protocols would be in effect.

Can I invite Friends and Family?

Absolutely! We strongly encourage it.  If you have been blessed over the years by attending the retreat, encourage/challenge others to start the year with God and see what a difference it will make in 2020.  Do not forget to share a link to the stream for those you want to follow online virtually.

Do you know someone who was led by their wisdom, intellect, emotions, wit or others and it has failed them?  Encourage them to be part of “unlocking your blessing” in 2022!  We believe that participating will make a positive difference in their lives!

I am available for a few hours at the retreat. How can I help?

We would need help with various tasks at the venue.  If you are physically able, you can assist with the loading and unloading of equipment for the children. Helping with setup of the main auditorium by coming early etc.  If God is laying the burden to assist on your heart, please reach out to any member of the 2022 WPR Planning Committee.

Can I invite Friends and Family?

Absolutely! We strongly encourage it.  If you have been blessed over the years by attending the retreat, encourage/challenge others to start the year with God and see what a difference it will make in 2020.  Do not forget to share a link to the stream for those you want to follow online virtually.

Do you know someone who was led by their wisdom, intellect, emotions, wit or others and it has failed them?  Encourage them to be part of “unlocking your blessing” in 2022!  We believe that participating will make a positive difference in their lives!

What will the Winter Prayer Retreat be like in 2022? Virtual or On-Site?

Both ways! The retreat will be streamed virtually and on site in Cambridge, MD in 2022. This means that if you are unable to physically participate at the Hyatt Regency, you can stream the program live from internet enabled device from our @JesusHouseDC YouTube Channel. All the links for the virtual events will be available at

What is the address of the main retreat venue and how long is the drive from the DC Metro area?

The address is 100 Heron Boulevard, Cambridge, MD 21613, USA. Telephone number +1 410 901 1234.  The drive to the venue from the DC Metro area will vary between 1.5 -1.75 hours depending on traffic through tolled roads.  Please note that you will cross the Bay Bridge which incurs at toll of $4.00 for 2-axle vehicles.

I cannot make it on Friday, 28th January 2022. Can I drive down for the day and be a part of the anointing service?

Absolutely.  You can drive down and get anointed “in-person” and be hold before midnight, depending on your neck of the woods! Come masked up and be a part of the live experience.

Will masks wearing be required for all attendees in 2022?

All attendees above the age of 2 years old will be required to wear a mask when in public places outside of the room and in a public area.

Do we have a buyout in 2022? Are all occupants of the Hyatt Regency present for the WPR?

No.  Since we do not have a buyout, other guests who are not present for the Retreat will be at the hotel.  Therefore, enforcement of mask wearing mandate and reporting of those in violation for action by hotel security will be in effect.

I want to make room payment for in person attendance. I have tried registering online at and got informed that 2022 WPR registration has closed. Can I call the Hyatt Regency or Holiday Inn to make personal independent reservations?

Unfortunately, we do not have a buyout in 2022 at registration closed on the 7th of January 2022. The closure does not mean you cannot attend! You can make a direct reservation with the hotels.  The rates as expected may be more that the negotiated rate if you had booked prior to closure date through our platform.  Rooms and hotel requests are managed by the respective hotels.

How do I go about providing sponsorship for the retreat?

Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. By sponsoring you make it possible for others who cannot afford the cost of the retreat to attend and be blessed. You may choose to sponsor half a room, a room or multiple rooms, or any desired amount.  You may also elect to pay for childcare providers, audio visual needs and so on. Although the registration is closed, you can still use the to sponsor the retreat. Just ask us how.

I am active on Social Media (Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram) , where can I find promotional material for the 2022 WPR?

Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. By sponsoring you make it possible for others who cannot afford the cost of the retreat to attend and be blessed. You may choose to sponsor half a room, a room or multiple rooms, or any desired amount.  You may also elect to pay for childcare providers, audio visual needs and so on. Although the registration is closed, you can still use the to sponsor the retreat. Just ask us how.

I have questions, how do I get answers?

The Winter Prayer Retreat committee will be more than happy to assist with any questions, comments, or feedback you may have. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] and look out for updated information about the Retreat at .