Haggai Business Network
The goal is to create wealth for JHDC members by serving as a resource center. Business owners, prospective business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, employers, employees can use the services of HBN to empower themselves with knowledge which leads to wealth.
Required Skills: Creativity, Business Drive, Self Starter, Innovative Ability
Ministry Time Commitment: Meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of the month.
Career & Skills Development
The Career and Skills Development Ministry was inspired by the need to provide practical assistance to individuals with employment related needs. Through various offerings we provide resources to empower individuals to secure and maintain employment as well as excel in their careers. We provide services such as resume critiquing, mock interviews, job search guidance, and other career related services. Please visit our website at www.csdjobcenter.com for more information.
Required Skills: Resume writing & critiquing, Networking & Career Development skills, Public Speaking
Ministry Time Commitment: Ministry Time Commitment: Meetings are held every 2nd Saturday of the month.