Community Outreach

The mission of the Community Outreach ministry of Jesus House DC is to promote diversity and meet the needs of the less privileged through the acts of kindness and compassion and to provide a range of charitable, educational, and community development activities in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area.

The Daniel Leadership Institute is a faith-based mentoring and leadership program designed to develop leaders that will influence their world through its “Young Professionals Mentoring Program” (YMP) and Community Leadership Program (CLP).

The Young Professionals Mentoring Program (YMP) is a personal and career development program designed through its mentoring and leadership curriculum. The program helps participants to develop concrete vision for their lives and equips participants with soft skills to actualize their goals. Such skills include time management, the art of networking, personal mastery, financial management, and relationship building.

The program connects fellows (entry/mid-level professionals or graduate students) to mentors who develop relationships that are instrumental in helping the fellows succeed both in their personal and professional endeavors. YMP is committed to raising well-rounded leaders, giving them the best chance of making a maximum impact on their peers, communities, the nation and world-at-large.

The Community Leadership Program (CLP) was established in April, 2011 and is an avenue to positively impact the community by equipping emerging leaders with vital leadership skills to create social change through various programs and activities.

Our communities have a variety of needs from education to health, from transportation to housing, from financial freedom to social support. Effective leaders are needed to strengthen the community and leaders need the skills and tools to impact their community. Some potential leaders have the passion but no skills to realize their vision; other leaders have acquired the some skill but need support in networking with like-minded individuals to accomplish their goals within the community.

CLP seeks to strengthen the voice of change by helping these leaders identify their capacity to make a difference, build their leadership skills, foster collaboration and networking, stimulate action by identifying the social needs in the community and releasing these new leaders as change agents in their communities.

The True Love Cares (Evangelism) Department works with other departments and ministries within Jesus House DC to develop creative ways of sharing the gospel with those in our community. We hold a monthly evangelism at downtown Silver Spring MD 20910.

There are Skills required for gospel evangelism:

  • Must be born again
  • Must have a passion for the gospel
  • Must have a love for God and people

Ministry Time Commitment: Every last Saturday of the month and yearly Thanksgiving event.

The Haggai Business Network (HBN) is a network of Christian Business Owners, Investors and Entrepreneurs who are members of Jesus House DC and its affiliated Christian community. HBN programs are designed to empower members with economic and financial knowledge through networking forums, seminars, workshops and training sessions that are based on sound biblical and business principles. Each program answers a specific need and responds to the mission and goals set for HBN. We facilitate forums whereby leading industry professionals provide valuable and relevant business insights and financial knowledge through programs outlined below:

·         Leadership and Strategic Development seminars

·         Business Strategy Workshops

·         Wealth creation and Debt management

·         Business plan and Grant proposal plan trainings

·         Business Formation and Financial planning

·         Small Business Certification

·         County, State and Federal Government Programs/Business Opportunities

·         Business Ethics and Godliness.

HBN is committed to engaging its members through various Godly business principles and professional outreach programs.

HBN Services

Haggai Business Network (HBN) believes the power of knowledge and information sharing are vital keys to success in any business and professional environment. HBN is committed to creating a resource pool and an information-sharing environment that will help its members succeed in their business.

 Haggai Business School (HBS)

HBS is a subsidiary of Haggai Business Network. HBS goal is to help members and the community actualizes their business ideas; help on-going businesses to expand, assist members in developing their entrepreneurial skills, guide our members in setting and achieving measurable goals while maintaining absolute work-life balance. Courses offer are Business Plan writing, Strategic Management, Change Management, SWOT Analysis, Grant Proposal writing, Financial Planning and Projection.

Business Seminars and Training

We host seminars/workshops and networking events that feature speakers from major consulting firms, government contracting agencies, successful entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations and church ministries.

Wealth and Debt Management (WDM)

WDM is focused on teaching our members and the community basic steps in achieving financial goals by eliminating debt and saving for the future. One of the models adopted is the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU). Over 250 participants have attended our WDM and each participant have amazing testimonial of WDM programs impartation on their finances.

 HBN Konnect

HBN Konnect creates a platform that seeks to cultivate business networking relationship amongst business owners in a relaxed and informal setting. The goal is to create an environment where global business opportunities can be discussed, exchange of ideas and opportunities on varieties of business topics and to create a platform for industry experts from public and private sectors to share industry knowledge with business owners.

The Heritage International Projects supports men, women and children from impoverished homes in Africa.

Mission: (a) to give back; (b) to build and foster awareness for corporate social responsibility; and (c) to create a positive environment in which the often abandoned and neglected feel loved, cared for, empowered and lifted.

Heritage International Projects form partnerships and alliances with registered Non-Profit Organizations, Foundations and Schools of high repute. Resources are used to assist and partner with some of these organizations in Africa to provide Scholarships, Accommodation, Transportation, Feeding, Clothing, Micro-Finance, and Skill Development.

Our vision is hinged on Proverbs 19:17 (NIV) – “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Our mission is to equip the JHDC congregation with adequate resources concerning their health by promoting health awareness, advocating healthy lifestyles and helping to organize programs and health fairs that benefit the congregation and the community.  This we accomplish by conducting annual health and fitness expositions where we offer health screenings to the community in several areas which include complimentary eye exams, sickle cell screening, weight management clinic, blood pressure, dental, cholesterol and blood glucose screening, fitness sessions and much more. We also increase health awareness by communicating information about selected topics on the JHDC Good News Network.

This ministry organizes an annual health fair and fitness program that provides general health check-ups and screenings for anyone in the community.

The Rapha health program has been ongoing for at least 9 years and offers health screenings to the community in the following areas:

  • HIV
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood Pressure
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes
  • Dental

Other service include Physical Therapy Consultation and “Ask the Pharmacist”.

Future plans include establishing a Health clinic that caters to the under served and uninsured in the community.

What is Alpha?

The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore spirituality from a Christian perspective. It’s relaxed, non-threatening, low-key, and fun. Alpha is a place to ask anything—no question is considered too simple or too hostile.

What’s involved? Over ten thought-provoking weekly sessions, Alpha guests share meals, listen to a series of talks, and then have small group discussions. Each talk covers a fundamental question, such as: “Who is Jesus?” “Why and How do I pray?” and Does God heal today?”

Who runs the Alpha course? More than 6 million people have completed the Alpha course since it started over 20 years ago in London. Today the course is being run worldwide; meeting in homes, schools, universities, military posts, and prisons, and is supported by churches of every different and major denomination.

Is it for you? Everyone is welcome for the Alpha course! Some people want to investigate whether God exists and if there is any point to life; others are concerned about what happens after death. Still others may have attended church, but feel they have never really understood the basics of the Christian faith. People come from many different backgrounds and hold many different viewpoints, but most come with the same basic objective: to establish whether God and Jesus Christ have any real relevance for their lives.

What will it cost? There is no cost to you to attend the Alpha Course.

How do I start? Simply complete the online registration form and we will get in touch with you.

Please visit our website

Our vision is inspired by Matthew 25:34-45

The King’s Table Ministry is committed to reaching out to the less privileged in our community by providing them with resources that will restore their hope and empower them. Some of our events include the following outreach activities:

1. Feed-A-Soul is a monthly event that holds every 2nd and 4th Sunday. The Kings Table Ministry provides food and fellowship with the less privileged who frequently visit Franklin Park in Washington, DC.

2. Brother’s Keeper – (Carroll House Shelter) is an ongoing effort that caters to men at a homeless shelter in Silver Spring MD. Every week food is donated and taken to Carroll House.

 Father’s Day Event: On Father’s Day, some men from Jesus House DC goes out to Carroll House Shelter to spend quality fellowship time and evangelize – it includes watching movies and sharing dinner with the men living in the shelter.

3. Sister-2-Sister – (Mother’s Day Event): On Mother’s Day during our visit to Franklin Park, we fellowship and hand out special mother’s day gifts to show the mothers at the park that they are appreciated and celebrated.

4. Back-To-School is an annual program where we donate Back-To-School back-packs filled with needed school supplies to under-privileged children in our community.

Annual Thanksgiving Lunch and Concert is an annual event organized for the people in our immediate and surrounding communities. Pre-packed lunch is provided to all who attend, accompanied with concert entertainment (lots of music and dance) and gift giveaways. Drives under the Thanksgiving Event include:

 Winter Coat Drive is an annual drive that provides winter clothing for the people at the Franklin Park and its immediate environment just before the cold winter season. • Refresh Pack Drive is an annual drive that provides personal hygiene items to the less privileged in our immediate surrounding communities.

Community Outreach